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European and global extractive industries: Steps towards sustainable partnership approaches and responsible mining practice

STRADE's four workshops

The final detailed programme (June 2017) is now available.

Monday, 19 June 2017, 10:30-18:00

Plenary presentations

A1. New platforms for dialogue between resource producers and consumers needed?

A2. The perception of mining in Europe: The impact of social and cultural values

  • <link file:83 _blank download file>Introduction to workshop A2 –The impact of social and cultural values
    Masuma Farooki (Research Metals & Mining, S&P Global)

Tuesday, 20 June 2017, 9:00-16:00

Plenary presentations

B1. EU mineral resource cooperation with developing countries:
     Creating win-win relationships

B2. EU knowledge platform on responsible mineral supply chains:
     A knowledge platform on EU mineral supply and related socio-
     economic and environmental issues